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Getting Around Jogja With Classic Opel

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Classic car supposed to be old. That is saying quoted from unknown but has many approaches about these unique cars. However, how old the cars are not strict. Some say that the cars were launched long before that. The first opinion is not wrong. The second one is not either. The important thing is that the classic cars are not produced anymore in this era. That is why when people talk about this kind of car, most people think that the machines are not in good conditions.

The thought run wild between the existence of the mechanic engineering and the existence of the spare part when it is broken. Lay man would think it is hard, in fact in machinery world, there is always a solution. There are people who say that these cars own exclusive ambiance and luxury. It is definitely right because old cars fore grounded the beauty and the shape of its body that is rich with engrave and other shiny ornaments.




Classic car blend with the classic city. Jogja is a classic city in this modern era. The cause of these two unique combinations is that Jogja still keeps old heritance. There are hundred years old temples located in some different spots; they are Ratu Boko temple, Sambisari temple, Prambanan temple, Ijo temple and Plaosan temple. There is still one big temple that is usually said to be Jogja’s temple, Borobudur temple.

Actually, officially it belongs to Central Java province. Yet the physical location is very near to Jogja, people think Borobudur belongs to Jogja. Jogja also keeps the classic building stands and still being used as office (the building around the Jogja 0 kilometers crossroad). There is also a palace that until is still being visited by tourist (Jogja Palace/Kraton Jogja). The idea of taking people to get around Jogja with the old unique cars came to mind.

We can enjoy the scenery of the city. It also can proof that the engine of the old cars are still strong to take us around the city. One of our friends had a tour around Jogja. He drove Opel Kapitan that was launched in 1960s. At first, he thought that it would be hard and there would be so many obstacles about the engine. He also didn’t think that the car could handle the maze road.

Surprisingly, the car proved him wrong. It even could take him to the Sermo Lake. Sermo Lake is located in Kulon Progo (western side of Jogja) and has middle steep grade road. It could climb it!




The people who see classic cars could climb the hill were surprised. They stared at it in the parking lot and whispered something to their friends. They asked how this 59 years old car climbed this street. Was it magic? They questioned because based on their experiences, old cars were not to be taken to the extreme street anymore. Old cars are usually parked in the art gallery as a display.

They are also used as decoration. Many wedding decoration take old ambiance as the theme and put some old cars on the wedding stage. The people around also see the shape that, of course, was far different from the modern one. The modern one underlines the function and the effective usage, while this one exposes more the luxury. In the old time, people used cars as the symbol of the wealth.

So, the decoration of the cars decided the price. Because one of classic car had proven its power, there is no doubt anymore to take this unique buddy to accompany us getting around Jogja. All eyes will be on us. We will be like stars in a cool car that held a parade on the street to greet our fans. It is so fun, isn’t it?




After revealing this, we might not be curious anymore. There is a secret behind the classic car strength climb the hilly road. The original engine has been replaced by the 2000s engine. The transmission of this car is also turned to be automatic. The system of the window is also automatic. That is why this car seems as strong as current car. The set of multimedia entertainment has been installed too. If we are a little bit bored, we can turn the music or video on. It is empowered by Bluetooth connection so we can interface it with our smart phones or tablet.

The modification of the car makes it great in two aspects; they are the performance and the physical appearance. Well, this secret might upset us. But maybe the old engines really need retirements and need to be replaced by the new ones. But still, driving classic cars to get around Jogja is worth to try.


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